5th Aug 2020
2 We remain on track to clear all the dormitories by 7 August, except for a few standalone blocks in the dormitories that serve as quarantine facilities. There are presently about 9,700 workers in these quarantine facilities. They will have to serve out their 14-day isolation periods, and be subject to an exit test before they are able to resume work.
3 Based on our investigations so far, there are 4 cases in the community, of whom 3 are Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents and 1 is a Work Pass holder. In addition, there are 4 imported cases, who had all been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.
4 We are still working through the details of the cases, and further updates will be shared via the MOH press release that will be issued tonight.
5 AUGUST 2020