1st Feb 2021
Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang
MP for Nee Soon GRC
To ask the Minister for Health whether he can provide an update on whether the Ministry is aware of any air filters available in the market which have been proven to effectively filter out the harmful effects of second-hand smoke in private homes.
Written Answer
The toxic constituents of tobacco smoke are both particulate and gaseous in nature. Residential air cleaning technology is unable to adequately remove all of the gaseous components, such as formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide. We are unaware of any air filtration technology which would be effective at removing tobacco smoke and there is no risk-free level of second-hand smoke exposure according to the World Health Organisation.
As such, my Ministry together with other agencies urge smokers to exercise social responsibility and refrain from lighting up where the second-hand tobacco smoke can affect those around them.