Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Ms Carrie Tan
MP for Nee Soon GRC
Question No. 1040
To ask the Minister for Health (a) whether the Ministry has data on how many Singaporeans are full-time caregivers to persons who suffer from permanent moderate disability, and (b) if so, how many of them have household incomes that fall within the bottom 20th percentile household income group (after transfers).
Written Answer
Caregiving arrangements vary across households depending on their household circumstances and the care needs of the care recipient.
MOH does not track the number of fulltime caregivers which may include migrant domestic workers and family members. However, we estimate that there are currently about 35,000 caregivers for persons with permanent moderate disability living in the community, who may be caring for the care recipient on a full-time or part-time basis.
We do not have data on caregivers by their household income. Notwithstanding this, we recognise the important roles that caregivers play and will continue to strengthen our support for caregivers. Families who need help with caregiving services can approach the AIC Link or the Social Service Office for assistance.