We thank Ms Yong Wai Ying and Mr Pavithran Vidyadharan for their letters “Increase MediSave withdrawal limit to lessen cash outlay” (July 4) and “Increase amount allocated for Flexi-MediSave” (July 10).
The cost of magnetic resonance imaging scans depends on the type of scan. Patients requiring these scans can receive means-tested subsidies of up to 70 per cent at public specialist outpatient clinics. Pioneer and Merdeka Generation seniors also receive additional subsidies covering 50 per cent or 25 per cent off their remaining bill, respectively. Any bill amounts remaining after subsidies can be paid for using the annual MediSave limit of $300 for outpatient diagnostic scans.
Seniors aged 60 and above can withdraw an additional $300 annually from MediSave under the Flexi-MediSave scheme for these scans.
The current MediSave withdrawal limits for subsidised outpatient scans, as well as Flexi-MediSave, remain sufficient for most patients. Patients who still face difficulties coping with their bills can approach medical social workers to apply for financial assistance, such as MediFund. No one will be denied basic appropriate healthcare due to an inability to pay.
MediSave is used to pay for a wide range of expenses, including health insurance premiums, hospitalisation and outpatient bills like chemotherapy, dialysis and chronic disease management.
The Ministry of Health reviews the MediSave withdrawal limits from time to time. When doing so, we strike a balance between improving affordability and ensuring one has sufficient MediSave savings to meet healthcare needs in old age.
Navanetharaja Gopala Krishnan
Director, Finance Policy
Ministry of Health