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From 5 July 2023, Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, starting with those aged 60 years and above, can start to enrol for Healthier SG. They will be progressively invited by the Ministry of Health (MOH) via an SMS to enrol with a Healthier SG General Practitioner (GP) clinic or polyclinic. As of 1 July 2023, over 900 GP clinics have signed on to participate in the Healthier SG programme.

2.            Following the start of enrolment of our seniors, SMS invitations to enrol in Healthier SG will be extended to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents aged 40 to 59 years. Healthier SG is expected to benefit over two million Singapore residents aged 40 and above by end-2024.

Enrolment Process

3.            From 5 July 2023, all eligible residents will progressively receive an SMS from MOH, who can then proceed to enrol in Healthier SG in three simple steps:

              i.        Enrol via the HealthHub app, which can be downloaded from Google Play or Apple App Store;

            ii.        Choose their preferred Healthier SG clinic from the list of Healthier SG clinics; and

           iii.        Book an appointment for their free first Health Plan consultation.

Please refer to Annex A for details of enrolment.

4.            Residents who do not have access to a mobile device or who require assistance may choose the following options to help them get enrolled:

              i.        Enrol with caregiver’s assistance: Have a family member or caregiver enrol on their behalf through the HealthHub app. The details can be found in Annex B.

            ii.        Assisted enrolment: Assistance from our Healthier SG Ambassadors at enrolment stations located in Community Centres/Clubs (CCs) and Joint Testing and Vaccination Centres (JTVCs) for assistance. For the list of enrolment locations, visit

Intensified Outreach and Community Partnership Efforts

5.            To reach out to eligible residents, MOH will deploy about 1,000 Healthier SG Ambassadors to the CCs and JTVCs island-wide to explain, encourage and guide eligible residents through the enrolment process.

6.            In addition, 17 roadshows will be organised from July to November 2023 to provide an immersive experience for residents to learn about Healthier SG and the actions they can take to stay healthy. Participants can look forward to the STEP experience at these roadshows. Made up of four zones, the STEP experience will help residents Step into their Healthier SG journey, Take time to stay active, Eat well live well and Participate in community activities. More details can be found in Annex C.

7.            After enrolling in Healthier SG, residents can connect to a wide range of activities provided by our community partners, including the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), Health Promotion Board (HPB), People’s Association (PA) and Sport Singapore (SportSG). The three healthcare clusters – the National Healthcare Group, National University Health System and SingHealth – will step up as regional health managers to actively partner these agencies to reach out the residents within their region.

8.            HPB will progressively scale up its physical activity programmes by more than 50%, to serve around 47,000 participants every week from the current 31,000. The National Steps Challenge has also been modified to nudge participants to engage in more moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity regularly, and work towards the physical activity recommendation each week.

9.            PA will broaden participation and further increase its outreach to residents for its programmes, such as brisk walking, taichi, qigong and gardening. Residents can choose from a wide range of health and lifestyle courses and events at any of the 108 Community Centres/Clubs.

10.         SportSG will encourage residents to stay healthy by participating in a variety of sports, exercise and interest groups offered at ActiveSG Sport Centres. Singaporeans can reach out to the Active Health Coaches to receive multi-disciplinary functional performance assessments and customised coaching on health and wellness. Through its Active Health initiative, Singaporeans will also be educated on the link between healthy lifestyle choices and better health.

Empowering Healthier Lives

11.         Healthier SG is a major transformation of our healthcare system. Healthcare providers will focus on preventive care, while the government sets up systems, processes and incentives to support this shift. Together, we will work with individuals to take charge of their own health and adopt healthier lifestyles, build trusted relationships with their family doctors, and manage their chronic conditions proactively. Healthier SG will require the active support of everyone, including community partners, to deliver better health outcomes for all.

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