Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Ms Hazel Poa
Non-Constituency Member of Parliament
Question No. 899
To ask the Minister for Health (a) what is the current quarantine procedure for foreign domestic workers (FDWs) arriving to work in Singapore; (b) under what circumstances can these FDWs be released early from their Stay Home Notices (SHNs); and (c) to date, how many FDWs have been released early from their SHNs.
Written Answer
Today, all travellers, including foreign domestic workers (FDWs) who have a recent travel history to higher risk countries/regions within the last 21 days prior to departure to Singapore would be subjected to a 14-day isolation at a dedicated Stay-Home Notice (SHN) facility. They are also subjected to a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on arrival and on Day 14 of arrival, as well as self-administered Antigen Rapid Test (ART) tests on Days 3, 7 and 11 of arrival. All travellers must test negative on their Day 14 PCR test to be released from the SHN.