Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song
MP for Aljunied GRC
Question No. 1169
To ask the Minister for Health (a) whether, prior to 15 March 2021, the COVID-19 Multi-Ministry Task Force (MMTF) has been receiving reports from Singapore’s diplomatic and consular missions in India and other parts of South Asia regarding the surge in COVID-19 cases in that region since February 2021; and (b) what measures are currently in place for Singapore’s overseas missions and intelligence operatives around the world to provide early warnings of impending health concerns that may impact Singapore.
Written Answer
Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has established a system to monitor global public health developments, with a focus on public health events that may have an impact on Singapore. Over the years, this system has provided MOH with vital information on potential pandemic threats from outbreaks of emerging diseases happening around the world.
In addition, MOH receives information from the World Health Organisation (WHO), experts and academic networks, and scientific publications. On COVID 19, overseas missions have been providing further information on the situation abroad.
Given the uncertain trajectory of COVID-19, and its tendency to mutate, we have to continue to watch developments closely, and make timely assessments of any emerging public health threats from overseas.