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2.     1946年由几位中医师成立的小型团体,到如今成为我国家喻户晓的中医机构,新加坡中医师公已走过一段漫长的发展道路,如今有多过1600名会员。公会属下的中华医院,也是一个国人信任的医护机构,满足国人对中医药的需求。卫生部在此要感谢中医师公会对我国的医疗体制付出的所有贡献。谢谢。




3.     目前,除了设在大巴窑的总院,中华医院也包括了四家分院,为本地不同地区的居民提供中医的医疗服务。相信很多人都知道,中华医院重建大巴窑总院的计划,酝酿了很多年。去年参加就职典礼时,会长也跟我提过,公会在获得有关当局批准时面对了一些挫折、一些挑战,他希望卫生部能帮忙推动这项计划。


4.     今年,我很高兴能跟大家说,重建计划已经取得了一些重要的进展,公会目前正在与市区重建局(URA)和其他机构讨论相关的技术细节,包括适当的容积率(plot ratio),以便推展这项计划。我相信这个计划成功在望,能够落实。我也很期待新楼落成后,中华医院能继续为病人提供优质的中医服务,也能够为下一代的中医师提供一个完善的培训基地。


5.     在祝贺新任董事会成员的同时,也感谢历届理事会和董事们的贡献和付出,充当政府、中医师和病人之间的沟通桥梁,为中医药的发展作出贡献。


中医管理委员会领导 符喜泉主席


6.     对此,我要特别肯定中医管理委员会符喜泉主席过去担任三届主席的努力。符主席一直以来也积极推动政府和中医界的沟通,推进中医发展。


7.     2019年3月,在符主席的领导下,中医管理委员会召集了各领域人士,成立了一个工作小组,探讨新加坡当时的中医药业。工作小组举行了四次会议和五场专题讨论会,听取了超过200名中医界人士的意见。过后,它在五个重点领域 – 中医执业、教育、就业前景、科研,医疗法律 – 提出了许多建议,推进我国中医药的发展。


8.     在符主席的得力领导下,管委会的工作流程和效率,以及注册中医师的教育和执业考试程序等各个方面都有所提升。


9.     符主席在管委会旗下也成立了两个新的工作小组,提升中医药教育和执业水平。为了更好地为中医师提供高素质的中医本科教育,她在2019年委任“认证与审核组”,检讨和制定中医本科课程的标准,并对中医课程进行评估。


10.     管委会也成立了一个“针灸疗法和培训评审组”,就中医界普遍接受的针灸疗法,加强管制,保障公众利益。


11.     符主席将在明年2月底完成三届任期,她跟我说,到时,她希望能够卸任,把棒子传给新的领导人。虽然我自己和卫生部都依依不舍,但我们也要尊敬符主席的意愿。


12.     符主席对于改进和发展中医事业所做出的所有努力,以及她的热诚,大家都是有目共睹的。我代表卫生部,感谢符喜泉主席的领导和宝贵贡献!




13.     要找到一位跟符喜泉主席一样这么有魄力的接班人非常不容易。但是我们找到了。卫生部花了一番心思,评估了各个环节,并与符主席商讨之后,决定由张博士接过符主席的棒子出任中医管委会主席。我以三顾茅庐的方式,邀请张博士接任管委会主席,他也答应了。卫生部会安排张博士以候任主席的身份先加入中医管理委员会,让张博士了解管委会的运作。


14.     大家对张俰宾博士并不陌生。他于1996年开始从政,前后以国会议员的身份为民众服务了近24年。从政期间,他担任过西北区市长,也担任过政府国会委员会,包括国家发展、环境及水源,内政和律政部委员会的主席。


15.     张博士也是许多宗乡会馆、志愿福利团体和华人庙宇的顾问和赞助人。我相信他对这些团体的了解与支持,将有助于他与中医界的沟通和接洽。希望张博士明年接任后,大家会给他大力的支持,一起提升并建立更高一层的中医药生态。




16.     最后,我也希望能借助中医药“以人为本”的治病理念,吁请所有的中医师与卫生部一起携手合作,为我们的“健康SG”全国计划献力。


17.     “健康SG”是一项意义重大的国家医疗保健策略,需要各方利益相关者和伙伴们 大家共同的努力,保持国人的健康,能安详地度过晚年。中医药能在我国医疗体系中扮演非常重要的角色。中医注重的还是预防性的医治,而不是生病后才医治。中医看人,多过看病。不过,中医医疗在自我管制的制度下,水平并不一致,要提高整体水平,还需要下一番努力。尽管如此,卫生部会继续与中医界合作,探讨如何让中医的“宝库”能够更好地为“健康SG”计划做出贡献,让全体国人享有更健康的生活。


18.     我感谢新加坡中医师公会在中医药发展方面所作出的努力。再次祝贺公会新一届董事会,希望公会继续与卫生部一起合作,保护所有国人的健康。这是我们最重要、最珍贵的宝库。




Professor Teo Eng Kiat, President of Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association (SCPA)


Board of Directors of SCPA


Members of SCPA


Ladies and Gentlemen


I am happy to be here today to witness the inauguration of the 47th Council of Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association (SCPA).


2.     From a small academic group set up by a group of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners (TCMPs) in 1946, the SCPA has grown to become a well-established TCM association, with more than 1,600 TCMP members. Established by SCPA, Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution is also a trusted TCM medical institution among Singaporeans, taking care of their TCM healthcare needs. The Ministry of Health (MOH) would like to thank SCPA for its contributions to our healthcare system.


Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution’s redevelopment plans


3.     To date, other than the headquarters at Toa Payoh, Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution also operates four other branches to better serve residents across Singapore. As many of you know, the redevelopment of Toa Payoh Headquarters branch has been in the works for many years. When I attended Chung Hwa Medical Institution’s inauguration ceremony last year, Chairman also mentioned to me that SCPA faced challenges in obtaining approvals from the relevant authorities, and he hoped MOH would help support their redevelopment plans.


4.     This year, I am happy to say that some progress has been made, and the Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association is currently discussing the technical details, including an appropriate plot ratio, with URA and other agencies, to take the project forward. We believe that this project will be implemented. I hope that with the completion of the new building, Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution will continue to provide quality TCM services to patients and a good training base for the next generation of TCM practitioners.


5.     Even as I congratulate the new council members, I would also like to thank past SCPA’s Board of Directors and Council members for facilitating discussions between the Government, TCMPs and patients, and contributing to the development of TCM in Singapore.


Recognising Mrs Yu-Foo’s contributions as current Chair (TCMPB)


6.     In particular, I would like to highlight the efforts of the Chairperson of TCM Practitioners Board, Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon. She has always advocated open communication between the Government and the TCM community to further the development of TCM.


7.     In March 2019, under Mrs Yu-Foo’s guidance, TCMPB convened a committee to review the TCM landscape in Singapore. The committee held four town hall sessions and five focus group discussions, consulting and taking in views of more than 200 TCMPs. There were many recommendations raised based on five focus areas, namely: TCM practice, TCM education, employability and career prospects, TCM research, and medico-legal issues to forward TCM development in Singapore.


8.     Under Mrs Yu-Foo’s capable leadership, TCMPB’s workstreams and processes were improved, as well as TCMPs’ education and the workflow of TCMPs’ Registration Examination.


9.     Mrs Yu-Foo also set up two new sub-committees to raise the standards of TCM education and TCM practice. To facilitate the provision of high quality TCM undergraduate education for TCM practitioners, she appointed the Accreditation Committee in 2019 to review and set minimum standards for TCM undergraduate course curriculum, and to carry out assessments and evaluations of TCM courses.


10.     With regards to TCM practice, a committee on acupuncture practice and training was also set up to develop a set of guidelines on the types of acupuncture therapies generally accepted by the TCM community, to enhance our regulatory system and protect public interest.


11.     Mrs Yu-Foo will complete her three terms as Chair(TCMPB) by the end of February next year. She has indicated her wish to pass the baton to new leaders.


12.     I believe everyone present today agrees with me on Mrs Yu-Foo’s efforts and enthusiasm to improve and develop the TCM sector. On behalf of MOH, I would like to thank Mrs Yu-Foo for her leadership and valuable contributions over the past decade.


Introduction of Dr Teo Ho Pin as next Chair of TCMPB


13.     It was not easy identifying a successor to match Mrs Yu-Foo’s zeal and capabilities. After much deliberation with various considerations and in consultation with Mrs Yu-Foo, MOH has identified Dr Teo Ho Pin to be the next Chairperson of TCMPB come March next year. Dr Teo has agreed and he will be invited as Chairman-designate to join TCMPB to understand its operations.


14.     Dr Teo is no stranger to us. He entered politics in 1996, and served as a Member of Parliament for close to 24 years. During his time in politics, he also served as the Mayor of North West District, and the chairperson of various Government Parliamentary Committees, including those for National Development, Environment and Water Resources, Home Affairs, and Law.


15.     Dr Teo is also a patron to many clan associations, voluntary welfare organisations and Chinese temples. With his understanding and support of these organisations, he will be a great asset in engaging the TCM community. I hope that when Dr Teo takes over next year, the TCM community will give him your support, working together to further strengthen the TCM ecosystem in Singapore.


Role of TCM in “Healthier SG” strategy


16.     Leveraging TCM strengths in holistic long-term care, I urge all TCMPs to work with MOH to advance the Healthier SG initiative.


17.     Healthier SG is a significant and transformative national healthcare strategy which requires many stakeholders and community partners to work together to support our residents’ needs. TCM has an important complementary role in our healthcare system, as TCM focuses on preventive care, rather than treating illnesses. Although, much still needs to be done to improve the overall standards of care delivery. MOH will continue to explore how the “treasure trove” of TCM can better contribute to the Healthier SG initiative, to better the health of all in Singapore.


18.     Finally, I would like to thank SCPA’s efforts in development of the TCM landscape so far. All the best to SCPA’s new Board of Directors, and I hope SCPA will continue working with MOH, to protect the health and well-being of all Singaporeans.




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