We thank Dr Chua Wei Bin for his letter “Ensure quality care for people who seek help on mental health issues”. We share his view that quality healthcare service is essential in the recovery of persons with mental health conditions.
To better provide support and care for persons with mental health conditions in the community, the Ministry of Health (MOH) launched the Community Mental Health (CMH) Masterplan in 2012. The focus is to provide for early identification and intervention for persons with mild symptoms or whose conditions had stabilised following management at the hospitals, to be cared for in the community.
Our primary care partners, including polyclinics and general practitioners, and community mental health service providers receive training from the public hospital teams to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage individuals with mental health needs. In addition, care processes, quality assurance framework and regular audits are in place to ensure standards and quality of mental health services provided by the different professionals, including clinical psychologist, counsellors, nurses and social workers.
To cater to the diversity of professionals providing mental health services across the continuum of care and arising from the recommendation of the COVID-19 Mental Wellness Taskforce, MOH together with the Ministry of Social and Family Development has set up a National Mental Health Competency Training Framework Workgroup. The Workgroup will align existing mental health trainings towards a common set of training standards and competencies expected of professionals and para-professionals who support persons with mental health conditions. More details on the framework will be provided when ready.
MOH will continue to work with the various healthcare providers to ensure quality care is provided to persons with mental health conditions.
Dr Jeannie Tey
Director, Health Services Integration and Development
Ministry of Health